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Voluntary adoption placement

We recognize that facing an unintended pregnancy can be a daunting experience. In our Voluntary Adoption Placement Program, we seek to provide you with information, support and coordinate services so that you make informed and conscious decisions.

At Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, we understand that motherhood and/or fatherhood is not a viable option for all families. Over the course of 31 years, we have accompanied women and/or families who have faced similar situations, recognizing and validating the diverse experiences that may arise.


If you don't feel ready to parent a child, or if you want to explore alternatives, we are here to help you better understand your options. Our team of professionals are ready to guide you through the process, provide you with the necessary tools, and connect you with any assistance you may require. Your well-being and conscious decision making are our priority.

What is a voluntary adoption placement?

Voluntary adoption placement in Puerto Rico is rigorously regulated by Law No. 61 of 2018, known as the "Puerto Rico Adoption Law." This legislation ensures that the process is completely legal and safe. According to this law, voluntary surrender is defined as:

“Act by which the biological mother or biological parents or those who hold parental authority over the minor, hand over physical custody of a newborn minor or agree to renounce parental authority and transfer custody of a minor, between 0 and three (3) years, to be adopted.”

It is important to note that voluntary adoption placement can be carried out in places designated as "Safe Shelters" as established by law, only 72 hours after birth. These places include public or private hospitals, fire stations, municipal or state police stations, churches, offices of the Department of the Family, foster care facilities recognized by the Department of the Family or in adoption agencies participating in the voluntary surrender program. of minors or safe shelter, as is the case of the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal.

According to the Law in its article 13. – Safe Refuge

''It is the public policy of the Government of Puerto Rico to promote the establishment of a system through which a mother, before considering abandoning a newborn, can deliver it to a public or private hospital, as defined in Article 2 of Law No. 101 of June 26, 1965, as amended, known as the “Health Facilities Law”, fire station, any municipal or state police unit, churches, any unit of the Department of the Family, any foster home facility recognized by the Department of the Family or in an adoption agency covered by the Voluntary adoption placement of minors or safe haven program, confidentially, without prejudice and without fear of being arrested, prosecuted or prosecuted, before the expiration of seventy-two (72) hours from the birth of the infant, as long as the child does not show signs of abuse or mistreatment. Otherwise, the hospital will activate the existing protocol followed in cases of child abuse.”

''The mother who delivers the newborn on or before seventy-two (72) hours after birth will not incur the crime of abandonment of minors, as established in Article 118 of Law 146-2012, according to amended, known as the “Puerto Rico Penal Code,” if you voluntarily place for a adoption to a public or private hospital, fire station, municipal or state police unit, churches, Department of the Family unit, any foster home facility recognized by the Department of the Family or an adoption agency covered by the voluntary adoption placement of minors or safe haven program. The infant will be delivered to the personnel stationed in the public or private hospital, who will be obliged to receive physical custody of the newborn and immediately communicate with the Department.''

''The biological mother or biological parents or those who hold parental authority over a minor up to three (3) years old, may make a voluntary delivery of the minor to an authorized official. by the Department of the Family or the adoption agency for such purposes, without incurring the crime of abandonment of minors, as established in the Penal Code of Puerto Rico, as long as the child does not show signs of abuse or mistreatment.''

Entrega voluntaria


“Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal was the difference in our adoption process. Having a broad understanding of the different types of adoption allowed us to visualize the type of commitment we wanted to make with our child.
We were blessed by a voluntary adoption placement and with the privilege of being able to have a relationship with our baby's biological family, through the semi-open adoption option. Have the answers for clinical staff, for example, “Were there any complications during the birth, is there anyone who is deaf, did Mom or Dad have speech problems?” And with a text, being able to provide the correct information for that evaluation is priceless. It is one less stressor for us as parents and an opportunity to get to know our baby's family and maintain a healthy relationship that, in the future, will allow our baby to interact with her biological family and know her story. This adoption model for me is perfect, I see it as a “win, win, win” for the baby, biological family, and adoptive family.”

Wilberto Martínez y Nair Rosario

Almost 6 years ago, after a long wait, we received a call from Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, giving us the great news that there was a nice person who wanted to meet us. The joy that my husband and I felt was so great that we counted the hours and minutes until the meeting. This is how we received a beautiful child into our family who was voluntarily placed for adoption with the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal by his biological mother right after he was born. I believe that this act is the best thing a mother or father can do if they find themselves in need of it or if for some reason they understand that they will not be able to take care of the minor or will not have the support of the family or the economic capacity to raise them. If this mother had not thought about voluntary adoption placement and, on the contrary, she had decided to abort or abandon him, Julián would not be in our family today.

As soon as we saw him we fell in love with his gestures, his eyes and his tenderness. When he was barely a month old, we carried him in our arms, hugged him, and he immediately gave us a wonderful smile, in moments the tears began to run down our cheeks. We “clicked” instantly, he felt so much like us from the first hug that we carried that moment engraved in our hearts.
As soon as we received the call, we told everyone the news, and everything was full of celebrations and joy, our families welcomed Julián with a lot of love and affection. Julián, who will soon be 6 years old, was born from the heart, before he came into the world, he was greatly desired, and from the first day we saw him we knew that he was going to be our child. And God is so great and merciful that months later he blessed us with a biological son of our own. We are eternally grateful to God Our Lord and to Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal for being key pieces in our process and in that of many other parents who, like us, have managed to fulfill their dream of receiving into their homes these children who so much need a home and a family that loves them.

Fam. Ruiz Cruz

Requirements for a Voluntary adoption placement HCSC

Image by Luma Pimentel

Be an adult over 21 years of age.

The minor to be placed for adoption must be between 0 and 3  years old.

You must have legal capacity to consent to the process.

If you are under 21 years of age, you need to be emancipated or have the consent of your biological parents.

There can be no suspicions of abuse or neglect.

Pregnant Woman

A voluntary adoption placement can be planned during pregnancy, during childbirth and/or after childbirth. After making a voluntary adoption placement, the law establishes a withdrawal period, which means that you can change your decision and withdraw from the voluntary adoption placement. The periods are:

  • 7 days to retract from the birth if you planned the voluntary adoption placement and renounced parental rights in a legal act from the pregnancy.

  • 15 days to retract if you planned the voluntary adoption placement and renounced parental rights in a legal act after the birth of the minor.

We recognize that this is a difficult process and the decision you make will be for life. At Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, we offer a period of 30 days for withdrawal once the voluntary delivery has been made.


Once the withdrawal period ends, the child will be legally ready to be adopted by a family from our resource bank. These families have been evaluated and have everything necessary to care for the child in a safe and loving environment.


During these 31 years, our commitment to each family we have assisted is to guarantee that their child is welcomed into a loving home, where he/she will be cared for in the best way possible.


Types of Adoption

At Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, we value voluntary adoption placement as an act of unmeasurable love, where the biological family, in a gesture of parental responsibility, seeks the optimal well-being of their child by opting for adoption. Recognizing that the adoption process through voluntary adoption placement arises from an experience of loss, we provide voice and active participation to the birth family. We offer them the opportunity to identify the type of adoption they want for the minor, giving them a significant role in this process.

semi abierta.png

Semi open adoption

It is characterized by indirect contact mediated by the agency. Allows birth and adoptive families to share information, such as photos, letters, and medical history. This information is first sent to HCSC and then passed on to the family. You can also choose to use email exclusively as a means of communication.


Closed adoption

It implies the absence of contact between the adoptive family and the biological parents after the adoption is completed.


Open adoption

All parties involved know each other and remain present in each other's lives. This type of adoption can vary from an annual exchange of letters and photos to sharing moments with the minor, depending on the agreement established between both families.

*These types of adoption only apply to agreements made at Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal. All interaction and communication begins once the legal adoption of the minor has been completed.*

Educational resources about voluntary adoption placement

If you have decided to consider placing your baby for adoption or are seeking professional guidance, we are here to connect you with the right resources. Our goal is to provide you with information that helps you make decisions that fit your needs. We do not seek to make the decision for you, but rather to provide you with the necessary tools and resources so that you feel confident about choosing it.

Therapy Session

Don't hesitate to contact us today! Call us at 787-747-9488 or fill out the form below for the guidance and resources you need during this decision-making process. We are here to support you.

Request an orientation

Your information is confidential. Complete the form to receive information about Voluntary Adoption Placement.

Confidentiality agreement

The social workers at Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, in compliance with professional ethics and state laws, are obliged not to share information unless they have your written authorization, thus guaranteeing privacy and confidentiality in the service provided. However, it is important to note that there are limits to our confidentiality, as we are required by law to communicate certain information to other agencies, individuals and/or professionals.


We want to make sure you clearly understand what we can and cannot keep confidential before sharing any information. The confidentiality agreement is limited to the eventuality that a situation arises that puts your physical safety, our physical safety at risk, or violates my rights, those of third parties, the social work professional, or the common good in accordance with applicable laws. We are available at the beginning of our first intervention to discuss any questions you may have about it.

Support resources

Línea Paz

Línea de Ayuda 24/7

Procuraduría de la Mujer Caguas

Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico

Educational Resources on Voluntary Adoption Placement

If you have decided to consider placing your baby for adoption or are seeking professional guidance, we are here to connect you with the right resources. Our goal is to provide you with information that helps you make decisions that fit your needs. We do not seek to make the decision for you, but rather to provide you with the necessary tools and resources so that you feel confident about choosing it.

FAQ's about Voluntary Adoption Placement

  • Which children can be adopted?
    Children whose biological mother/father, faced with adverse circumstances that prevent them from parenting the child, freely and voluntarily expresses the decision that their child remains under the guardianship of the state (voluntarily renounces their homeland rights power) for subsequent delivery for adoption. Children who were removed from their family environment due to a situation of abuse, as typified in Law No. 57-2023 and their parents were deprived of parental authority, since there is no provision for them to return to that environment familiar.
  • Do adoption and/or the services offered by the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal cost?
    Initial orientation requires a donation. Adoption in Puerto Rico is free of cost, the only thing that involves cost is your legal representation before the Court for legal adoption.
  • If I reside outside of Puerto Rico, can I adopt?
    Our license as an adoption agency allows us to work adoption processes solely and exclusively with people residing in Puerto Rico. If you reside outside of Puerto Rico, you should contact an adoption unit of the Department of the Family so they can guide you. For more information, please call the telephone numbers provided below: TELEPHONES ADOPTION UNITS TELÉFONOS UNIDADES ADOPCIÓN
  • How long does it take to complete the adoption process?
    Each case is unique, and there is no estimated time for the adoption process. The wait time is likely to be longer for those who wish to adopt only infants compared to families willing to adopt older children or adolescents.
  • If I start the adoption process with the Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, do I automatically enter the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (REVA)?
    No, Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal is a private, non-profit organization that acts as an independent adoption agency of the Department of the Family. To be part of the State Voluntary Adoption Registry (R.E.V.A.), you must seek guidance directly from the Department of the Family. It is recommended to apply for adoption at all available agencies to expand your opportunities.
  • What other services does the adoption program offer?
    Importantly, HCSC offers additional services for international adoptions. These entail a rate and you will need to contact us for more information.
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PMB 428 HC-01 Box 29030

Caguas, PR, 00725-8900

(787) 747-9488

©2024 Hogar Cuna San Cristobal. Design and web management by B Design

Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal reaffirms its commitment to equality and non-discrimination in all aspects of its operations. We offer services and fair treatment to all people, regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability or any other characteristic protected by law. Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal expressly prohibits any form of discrimination in its activities and adheres to the principles of inclusion and diversity.

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