"It is truly an honor to serve as ambassadors for Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal. We wholeheartedly embrace the responsibility of being spokespersons for an organization that, for over three decades, has provided a nurturing haven for children whose life circumstances have deprived them of a family environment. Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal not only offers a dignified shelter but also plays a pivotal role in facilitating adoptions and voluntary adoption placements. Furthermore, it is dedicated to educating the public, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to experience the love and care of a family. We hold deep respect and affection for these children, recognizing their inherent worth and the invaluable lessons they teach us. We wholeheartedly support their mission and believe in the importance of their cause."
Yizette Cifredo y Víctor Santiago

HCSC - donativos- carro TV30ss

HCSC - donativos- casa TV30ss

Saca un tiempito y dona
Your support makes a difference!
At Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal, we deeply understand the significance of generosity in sustaining our operations and advancing our mission of providing comprehensive, trauma-sensitive services. Our focus is on promoting family permanence for children facing challenging environments and circumstances. Each donation we receive directly fuels our efforts to build a brighter, more promising future for these children. Every small contribution, no matter the size, plays a vital role in bringing us closer to achieving our goals.
We invite you to join us in this important mission by making a donation today.
Together, let's send a message of hope and support to those in need.
Send hope

1. Online- A single donation or recurring donations from your credit card or Paypal.
One time
Comment (optional)
2. ATH Móvil

Select donate
Write and select HogarCunaSanCristobal (Nonprofit)
Write the donation amount

Did you know that every donation made to a nonprofit entity is fully deductible on your income tax return?
Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal is an organization with federal 501C(3) certification and qualifies for donations under Law 20/22/60.

3. Mail
Send check or money order payable to:
Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal
PMB 428 HC-01 Box 29030,
Caguas, Puerto Rico 00725-8900

Item donations
Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal maintains a list of essential items that are of utmost importance and need, and we gratefully accept donations of these items.
Donations are accepted from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. Donations will not be accepted on holidays. Please call in advance to coordinate the delivery of your donation.
We do not accept:
Used clothing
Clothing in sizes that our participants do not wear
Toys in poor condition
Expired food items
Used mattresses
Opened or expired packages of wet wipes or diapers
Used medications and/or medications outside of their original sealed packaging.